Books And Creations

Featured Book
Hank is a blue whale, and it’s his birthday! But when his friend Jasper, a sperm whale, doesn’t show up at the party, the other whales must find a way to rescue him before it’s too late. Can they save him and the party?
In this book, children of different ages will learn the characteristics of whales and the environmental changes humans have caused in their world. It is also a story of teamwork and dedication to one’s family and friends.
Praise for The Big Birthday for Blue Whale from an award-winning maritime photographer to Readers Favorite, Reedsy Discovery,
teachers and librarian of elementary schools.
"The Big Birthday for Blue Whale is a wonderful journey into the lives of whales. A magical tale that draws you into the story from the very first page while weaving in real science and environmental threats to whales and the ocean. Brilliant storytelling that will leave you enchanted and informed."
Brian SkerryEmmy Award-winner for “Secrets of the Whales”
“In The Big Birthday for Blue Whale, Jane Hlavaty introduces children to various kinds of whales. This fun-to-read book is designed to help children learn about ocean conservation and how important it is to protect whales… By writing this book, Jane proves that even children can play an essential role in protecting animals and the planet…Reading this book will encourage children to care about planet earth and grow up helping to keep it viable…Children will love the illustrations - also by the author - as they read this exciting adventure in ocean conservation.”
Philip Van HeusenReaders’ Favorite
“A deeply adorable and educational story about a blue whale and his friends as they try to save a friend in time for a birthday celebration…The illustrations of this book are so adorable that children will find it a joy to read every page of it! It is an opportunity to teach children not only about caring for other creatures but also about what friendship is all about…Through Hank and his friends, the young ones can learn what teamwork means. It is a fun-filled book that’s very educational and inspiring at the same time!"

“It is splendid to read a touching story about friendship, kindness, and acceptance from a darling point of view. This story is for everyone, young and old!”
Daniella V.Elementary School Librarian
“One can appreciate The Big Birthday for Blue Whale for its fascinating explanation about the various types of whales and the challenges of the ocean and effects that can be sometimes caused by people. Truly the most rewarding part is how throughout the story the theme of friendship comes to life as Hank's friends come together, to problem solve, cooperate and use teamwork to help one of their own in need of rescue, all thanks to Hank's Big Birthday.”
Kathie I.Elementary School Teacher
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